Numerology The Meaning of the Number 9 GLOBAL AWARENESS
HomeNumerology The Meaning of the Number 9 GLOBAL AWARENESS
Numerology and the Number 9
The 9 is a true philanthropist, the one number destined to make our world a better place. Whereas the 6 is the caregiver, looking after its friends, family and those close to it, the 9 sees the bigger picture and reaches out accordingly. Their charity is far-reaching and they are just as likely to help those from other cultures and backgrounds as they are those from their immediate community. They are humanitarian to the core and see everyone as equals, making them non-judgemental and tolerant. Meaning of the Number 9
Meaning of the Number 9
9s cannot abide injustice or suffering and see it as their role in life to fix the world’s problems. Although not as forceful a leader as a 1 or an 8, the 9 is equally powerful. Despite its naturally introverted personality it is perfectly capable of taking control and can be eloquent and persuasive. Devoted to its cause, you cannot help but be moved by its passion and you will be inspired. To fight alongside it because its a privilege. A 9’s social conscience is something to be admired. Whether you like or loathe them It cannot be denied.
The 9 is selfless in the true sense of the world, motivated only by a desire to help rather than for financial rewards or recognition. Paradoxically, it will often find itself wealthy without really having concerned itself with monetary gains. To the 9, values such as love, honesty and trust are worth more than money. Its morals and values are never ever skewed. It is naturally spiritual and intuitive..GLOBAL AWARENESS
The 9 is caring and understanding but can seem remote and unreachable. Talented and creative, it seems to occupy a higher plane, which as a lover makes it somewhat detached. It is so given to helping others that its own feelings and emotions are walled off. Those around the 9 are often left wondering just how well they know it at all. The 9 can also be demanding and struggles to show its romantic side. Yet it is able to feel deeply and experiences intense emotions. As a friend the 9 is loyal but can seem emotionally distant, even after it has known you for many years. Often 9s have experienced real pain, especially in matters of the heart, which will account for their guarded nature.
Meaning of the Number 9
They do, however, excel within the creative sphere, which is why so many 9s choose careers in the arts. They are cultured, worldly and sophisticated with a keen appreciation for anything aesthetically pleasing.
As with every number, the 9 possesses several negative qualities and can be patronising and vindictive. When it feels it has been treated badly it will be merciless and unforgiving. However if you show it respect you will be rewarded with its wisdom, compassion and support.